A lot of the people that are geared towards self improvement, we tend to be high performers, right? So we tend to be optimizers. And so this, when I initially introduced it, I already know what your brain is gonna do. It’s going to be like that makes me get less done. But let me explain. So there’s something that I, I put in my calendar and I invite my clients to experiment with called sliding blocks. And so when I plan my week, I’m a fan of time blocking. It’s worked really well for me. I know what I’m working on, on Mondays at 10 a.m. and Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Like I know my, my flow and I intentionally schedule empty blocks of time into my day. Um an hour, an hour and a half, two hour blocks split up. And the reason I do that is because rarely do I have a day where something doesn’t go as planned or something comes in, that’s unexpected. So, um let’s say a, an email comes in and I need to submit a pitch for something and the deadline is that day and that’s going to take 20 minutes to half an hour out of my day, my kid gets sick, something like that. And I have to take time away or I have an appointment that gets booked in the middle of my day unexpectedly after I’ve planned my week, unexpected things come in.
That’s just the nature. So what these sliding blocks do is allow me to take the work that got bumped and slide it into those empty blocks of time. So we’re going back to that concept of when I get to the end of the day. Yes, I have done enough. I also accounted for time that was already gonna be used that way except my brain looks at it differently. I am now not behind you. See most people jam pack their day or work off the two. If something comes up and everything gets bumped and now they are quote unquote behind the tre podcast is owned and made possible by ethical marketing service. If your business is struggling with Google or Facebook ads, maybe you’re frustrated figuring it out or there’s a performance issue. Ethical marketing service has worked on hundreds of accounts and we can help in this area if you would like to find out if we can help. It’s a free no salesy consultation call and the link is in the description, enjoy the episode. Thomas Green here with ethical marketing service on the episode today, we have Tensa Shears. Tensa welcome. Hey, Thomas, how’s it going?
Marvelous? What about yourself. That’s good. It’s good. Day’s been off to a great start so far. Well, I’m glad to hear it. Um, would you like to take a moment and tell the audience a bit about yourself and what you do? Yeah. My name is Vanessa Shears. I first off start, I’m a mom of three. I’ve got our mom, mom of two. They’re one and a three year old right now. So we are in the midst of like all of the busyness of mom of two little kids. But I also run my own business and I work as a health consultant and I work with entrepreneurs and what I primarily focus on is helping them feel the energy, the clarity and the focus they need. And this goes for any high performer, right? We want to be able to show up at our desks into our day, feeling energized, feeling like we’re not battling brain fog, feeling like we got up off a good sleep and we’ve got our health in check. But sometimes that gets really hard if you, whether you run a business or you have a busy life or you have kids or whatever it is, sometimes it’s just really hard to prioritize that. And so I use something fun called biohacking, which incorporates wearable technology. Like I’m wearing a ring, spits out a lot of data. And I teach people how to make decisions on the data that they see to feel more energized and focused in their day.
It’s a great introduction. Thank you. I also feel like we have kind of a almost like a before and after going on here because the whole, you know, showing up energetic that’s you uh perhaps not me. And uh you’ve got the brain fog in there as well, which uh maybe I suffer with a little bit. So, um yeah, in terms of uh the, the tech that you use, what kind of data that could you get? Um, in order to help with, uh, with that problem? Yeah, so there’s lots of different wearable trackers that you can get. But I find that a lot of the ones that we’re used to thinking of the fitbits, Apple watches the garment, all those things. They are perfect for what they’re designed for activity trackers. But when I was looking at, ok, what is really, I know that exercise is part of it but when I’m looking at what really helps me feel restored, it comes down to like there’s a lot to do with stress. There’s a lot to do with how you’re sleeping and how you’re recovering during the night. And so the one that my, my wearable tech of choices or a ring and it’s a ring that I wear and it records it, it, it specializes in recovery and sleep data.
So things you’re getting on there are not just your sleep duration, but like, how many minutes are you dreaming per night because that has a function in how you show up in the day. How many minutes are you in deep sleep? Because that affects it. Not only that like, what’s your breathing rate? Right? Is your heart rate lowering during the night? How stressed out are you during the day? And are you able to recover after your workouts? Are you recovering from the busyness of your day? And so if we’re able to probably put in protocols in place in order to recover from our day, we find we don’t go day to day feeling so foggy and drained all the time. So I love to use that data as like a non emotional way of telling if something is working or not, it’s a return on investment. I want to do the habits that make me feel the best, not all the habits I should do because somebody on the internet was doing it and my friend was doing it. You know what I mean? It’s really just a personalized way to look at health. It’s fascinating. So, um in terms of your data, um you know, where you were before and that, what’s that story like from, from your perspective? Yeah, so I open, I’m coming up on 10 years in business this February.
So it’s been a long time. We’ve gone through lots of evolution through here. Um But when I started, it was very much in, you know, fitness and then I brought in fitness and food and this whole transformation of looking at data didn’t actually happen till I was pregnant 4.5 years ago. And I was like, I’m gonna get a Fitbit because I am gonna take all the steps as a pregnant lady. And that’s because of what I had in my head. But nobody was going to tell me that I would have such bad hip pain that I wouldn’t be doing much walking. So, you know, I’m flipping through this watch and I’m like, what else does it do? Oh, look at that. It records sleep. And I was one of those people that was like, you know, I’m in bed by 11. I’m up by 637. That’s 7.5, 8 hours of sleep. I’m golden and I started learning, I was like, whoa, I didn’t recognize how long I spent awake every night. And this has now been reinforced. I look at hundreds of ordering data entrepreneurs from entrepreneurs over the years. The average person is awake between an hour and an hour and a half every night in that time that they think they’re sleeping. So their brains just don’t go to sleep and wake up. We’re up during the night, right? And so I started seeing this and I’m like, what else? Don’t I know. And so I took to Instagram, I was like, I’m gonna hack my sleep.
I’m gonna do the things that science says helps my brain and I’m gonna show you what the data does. And so I would be like, ok, I’m gonna go outside first thing in the morning and get sunlight in my eyes and then we’re gonna watch the data and I would slowly start to see myself getting more high quality sleep, more deep sleep, more rem sleep, I’d sleep longer. I’d be awake less during the night, I’d fall asleep faster and this was over a 3 to 4 month period of time where naturally when people start going, like, ok, I can’t get to sleep. I’m up at three in the morning, help me. And that’s when it became about four years ago, wrapped into my health consulting practice. Is that a, um, Andrew Huberman reference by any, by any chance the, oh, I love a good Andrew Huberman podcast. Yeah. No, it’s a, it’s a blend. I’ve had a lot of influences over the year, both from the mindset side and the science side. Andrew Huberman has played a wonderful part in it because he makes so many science based tools available. And what I love about him is his podcast is all about making them available for free. But what I find is that his podcasts are three hours long, which I love, but my clients are usually pretty busy.
I don’t have time to listen to all that, think of the implication. And so that’s where I’ve come in is like, ok, I’m gonna take the science and make it applicable with protocols like simple, but how can you implement the three hour podcast and so that I blended that with Ben Greenfield. Have you ever heard of him? No, no. So he’s, he’s in that similar space but more on like the biohacking kind of like futuristic science, tech side of it. And so blending them together has made kind of a real fun practice in which we get to. It’s all about self experimentation, right? It’s like, what am I doing that directly affects me? And if it doesn’t work, what am I gonna do differently next time and iterating on that. So that over time it becomes something that sustainably fits in your life and it’s enjoyable and you stick to it. Well, it’s great and also inspiring. I might add. Um my perception is that if you’ve gone through this process of having a great morning routine and you’re tracking everything um relative to someone who isn’t doing anything, right? It’s a bit um it’s a bit intimidating for someone to think.
Oh, I don’t, I don’t know if I’m ever gonna quite get there, you know. So the question is in relation to where would you encourage people to start? I always like to look at sleep first for this reason. It’s free. It doesn’t involve anything to pay for and you’re doing it anyways. So why not make it better? So I always start there because there’s so many things, I don’t think we really as sleep is one of those things, I think when we think about getting healthy, we go to exercise and food. Like those feel like the obvious ones. But if you’re getting broken up, fragmented sleep throughout the night, it is your hunger, you are much more hungry during the day, your cravings out of control and your blood sugar is unstable. All of those things lead to potentially overeating and brain fog. And if you’re not getting enough sleep, how many times have you woken up and skipped a workout because you need to sleep in a little bit more, right? So we’re starting to think about these things and then when we think about your stress, if you are not getting adequate consolidated sleep, it is very hard to manage your emotions. We’ve all woken up after a funky sleep and felt irritated or snappy or had a, you know, been in a foul mood for the day, especially when it accumulates after a couple of nights.
So sleep is like, it’s not another pillar of health. It’s the foundation on which everything else is built. And so for this reason, you don’t need tech, you don’t need fancy bio hacks. You just really need to look at the first thing that’s going on. And I mean, I’ve worked with enough clients at this point to tell you that the first thing most people know when they come in is they’re like my sleep’s a mess and it’s because I don’t go to bed when I want to. It’s because I am staying up till 1130 till 1230. I’ve had clients that have been up till two when we started and they’re just like, it’s very hard to get that same restorative rest when you are feeding yourself like bright light, usually from the form of screens all the way into that time when your brain should be spent restoring. So the if you want to take out all the complications and the holy moly, that’s a lot like really start looking at your sleep and ask yourself like, ok, am I going to bed within a 30 to 60 minute window? The majority of the time? That’s a really simple place to start. So, uh in that instance, people would, oh, well, the implication being that if you start to have more of a routine of when you go to sleep and then wake up, uh that’s gonna be more beneficial for your health.
Yeah. Well, I mean, if you think about, I was just talking to someone in my Instagram D MS the other day and she was like, I wanna get up, I, I wanna get up at 530. I’ve got kids, I wanna get my day started. That’s when I can fit exercise routine and, but I’m having such a hard time getting up in the morning and she said to me like, can you tell me some things I can do in the morning to help me get up? And my first question goes, why is it so hard to get up in the morning? Not, what can we do in the morning to get you up? And it’s really easy to usually unwind and find that we’re not getting as much sleep as we think we are because there’s this fascinating thing as humans, we’re the only species that terminate sleep with an alarm clock. We don’t, we purposely cut off the amount of sleep that our brains need to recover. It’s a fast when you think about it like that. And so I always like to start to think like if you wanna get up earlier, then it really starts looking at. Ok. Well, why are you struggling? And is, is it because the quality of sleep might not be there that’s easier to find with, of course, wearable trackers. But the obvious one is usually we’re just not giving ourselves enough opportunity to get a good sleep. So uh what does that look like for you now?
Like my routine? Yeah. Oh yeah. II I jokingly laugh that I’m in my grandma era. I call it because it’s I’m maybe I’m backwards on this. But I believe that having kids was the best thing that ever happened for my sleep because it invited in structure prior to kids. It was like, oh yeah, 1130 or you know that I’ll go to bed at nine. It kind of just depends on what TV show we’re watching or if we were out with friends, but having a one and a three year old, like they’re asleep by eight. So that kind of puts a beautiful anchor point into my day most days. And so what this means is that, that is something that repeatedly happens. And so from there, I decided that, ok, well, with young kids, like for me in my life, I didn’t really enjoy the time I found that the time I spent after they went to bed was time of consumption. Like I was consuming TV, consuming social media, it was a lot of consumption. Whereas I always notice the time I spend in the morning is always the opposite of that. It’s creating, it’s exploring, it’s exercising, it’s writing, it’s reading, you know what I mean?
And I for me liked that time better. So I was like, ok, kids are gonna go to sleep. I’m in bed at 805. I read, I fall asleep at nine and I’m up at five. And that’s not because I want to be part of the 5 a.m. club. It’s just something that has really become a great lifestyle. So, no, we’re, we’re, we’re like in bed sleeping by nine at the latest here. I love the anchor. Um I can hear perhaps some objections around um If you sleep more like it’s time away from work. So, um what do you think about that objection? That’s the number one objection I get, especially the work I would do with like busy professionals and entrepreneurs. They’re like, but I can’t stop. I didn’t get enough done. And there is a belief that if I take two extra hours to work, it’ll get me ahead. Right. But there’s two angles. I’m gonna take this angle. Number one is, I don’t think what we’re recognizing is it stealing from tomorrow’s productivity? Because think about this, if your brain is showing up foggy at all, you’re distracted easily.
You are procrastinating, you are not feeling focused, you can’t come up with ideas. So you’re having to start and restart writing something over and over again. How much time are you wasting doing that? And so when I look at like, if I’m showing up to my day with a brain that is not well recovered, I’m wasting time all day. What takes me? Eight hours could have taken me six, but my brain worked slower because I didn’t get to sleep. So you’re really just kind of shuffling hours around and deteriorating your health at the same time. So that’s why I’m such a huge fan of experimentation. Like what if you went to sleep for a week and you noticed how you felt during the day and then you decided if it was worth it because you don’t have to keep it, but you just might find like Hey, I feel better. I work better. This is good. This is not the trade off. I thought it was. And so the second part of that conversation then it’s, that’s a tactical side, but then it comes down to what’s going on in our head and it’s this, I didn’t get enough done today. I could have done more. I don’t feel like I’m ahead. I am behind. It’s all this conversation of not enough done and we often take it one of couple ways, one way is going like I didn’t get enough done.
So I’m not as valuable and we start taking it to mean something about our ability to get work done or our value and our job or our ability to move our business forward or whatever it might be. And here’s the question I like to ask. I like to really get in there and break it down. You’re telling me I didn’t get enough done. So I need to stay up later or I can’t turn my brain off because I’m thinking about how much I didn’t do. Ok, cool. Did you actually define how much enough was today? Because nine out of 10 times I’ll ask, and there will be this 400 item to do list and we’re just, you know, taking things off the top and did you and your brain is like, I didn’t get enough done. Well, of course, because what was the expectation? How far down that list were you gonna get? So I like to invite, ok, which one of these things do you actually intend to get done today? And then, well, that is your standard then say I got done what I planned or I didn’t because then you can be like, ok, why didn’t I get done what I had planned? And then you’re able to see, oh, I lost time here. It was because of this. But when you’re just working off of a massive ongoing list, of course, you’re never going to feel like you got enough done. So it’s really hard to silence that conversation.
Yeah, I think you’re highlighting something which is, um, there is always more work to do to be done right. When you’re, when you’re thinking, if you’ve got your own business or you’re a high achiever, there’s always more can be done. Um, I did have one follow up which is about your, um, 8 to 5. Um, now that you’re getting enough sleep, quote unquote. Do you wake up naturally or is that alarm, waking you up? I haven’t had an alarm clock in years because there’s this really cool thing. It’s called the, all of us have a clock running in our body. It’s called your circadian rhythm and this rhythm. It, it’s timing is determined by your genetics. We all have this fun gene called your P, er, three gene and the length of it determines whether you naturally get up earlier or you naturally get up later. That’s why the whole like saying I want to be part of the 5 a.m. club. You have to also be genetically leaning towards it. It’s kind of like I have brown hair, I could dye it black, but it’s still growing in brown, right? The same way with, if you are naturally designed to wake up at seven, you can wake up at 5 a.m. but it’s your natural inclination, you’re gonna feel your best waking up later.
And so I really like to find that and how you can tell is if you are getting enough sleep and your body naturally wakes you up because in the morning, there’s a bunch of stuff that happens with your hormones that makes you more alert at the time you wake up. And if you are consistent with your sleep schedule, your hormones become consistent. Meaning that wholesome, a hormone that wakes me up in the morning, it’s called cortisol. It’s there. It’s a good thing that it’s there that wakes me up at 5 a.m. And if I decide to sleep till seven, I’m gonna sleep through that. And I’m gonna feel really groggy all day. If I get up at three, I’m gonna miss it all together and I’m gonna feel groggy as well. So by keeping that schedule consistent, my body anticipates I’ve had enough sleep. It’s time to wake up and it just really starts feeding into this process of being able to wake up clear. It’s not just about getting enough sleep, it’s about the consistency of the sleep you get. And uh do you have any thoughts about how to realize what type of person you are in relation to amount of sleep and what time is favored? Yeah. So as far as amount of sleep, um there and I’m just gonna say this for all the people who are thinking I can be fine on six hours of sleep.
So there is a gene, it occurs in one in 200. I think it’s 102 100,000 people. It’s like 0.004% of the population can get enough quality sleep on six hours of sleep per night. So it’s very rare. So beyond that though, I think there is flexibility and what I, what I always encourage my clients to do is like, ok, let’s get you sleeping 7 to 7.5 hours per night and then spend a week getting 15 minutes more. Do I feel better? Yes, cool. Keep it. No, go back and you keep doing that and you’ll find that there’s like a diminishing return. And for me that happened in about seven hours and 45 minutes. I find that if I sleep eight hours, I don’t feel any different. But if I sleep seven hours, 15 minutes, I feel a big difference. So I think it’s really being intuitive and being willing to consistently test things and that’s kind of the fun of it. Right. If you’re not stuck with anything, you just get to stay with what works, what you like. Now, as far as to answer the timing question. So there’s two resources. If you, if you get an aura ring after wearing it three months, it’ll actually recommend to you based on your body temperature, your activity levels, your sleep cycles where you are most likely like on the clock, is it 9 to 5?
Is it 11 to 7 where you are most likely to get an optimized high quality sleep? But that’s an option that involves money. There’s a free option as well. There was a book I read a long time ago. Uh it’s called The Power of When by Doctor Michael Bruce. And the whole thing was this is about the field of chronobiology. So the study of how our bodies relate to time. And he has a free quiz on his website that I’m always sending people to. It’s just Google the power of when quiz and you take it. It’s like 3040 questions and it’ll put you into one of four, what he calls chrono types. So each chronotype goes with a different sleep schedule. So for example, if you come up a bear which is 50 to 60% of the population, 11 is a good bedtime. Seven is a good wake up time. I happen to fall into the 10 to 15%. That is a lion that wake up at 5 a.m. But notice I said 10 to 15% of the population, which means if you feel guilt or not waking up at five and you wanna wake up five and you’re finding it really difficult. It may literally just be, you’re not designed, it doesn’t mean you can’t, but it gives you a little compassion in there if you’ve been beating yourself up about not being able to get up as early as you’d like.
Yeah. Well, I think I might need that when I try this. So, uh I appreciate that. Um, do you have any, let’s say examples that you’re proud of where you’ve helped someone and uh the difference it’s made in their lives. Yeah. So I, I’ll give you three quick ones. I had a client just, um, a couple of weeks ago. She was not able to get up before 8 a.m. is now consistently getting up at 7 a.m. And I know that sounds like such a small shift. But when it takes the rush out of the beginning of your day, it sets the intention for your whole day. So she was able to just start the day sense of calm, roll into work. And what that did it, it allowed her to be a human being instead of a human doing all day. So you’re starting your day from a place of like, I’ve got this instead of like wake up at your desk 20 seconds later. Right. So that’s, that’s part one. The second was I had a client. Um, one of the things I really love is walking, like, I think we really over plug, like the hard 5 60 minute workouts a week. Like, I think if we just start walking more, we’d be off to a great start. So I had him start doing 1015 minute walks daily and he actually started walking his kids all the way the park in the back and noticing that he got to spend so much more time with his kids.
So little things like that. Right. Um, and then I think the other one is, I have a client and she, uh, her sleep rhythm when we started was about 130 to 930. So she was really late and she was never able to see her kids off to school and that was just because she couldn’t wind down. So we’ve been working together about four months now and she’s going to bed at 11 and waking up at eight. And so she’s able to just see her kids out the door now. And this has been something, it’s like, ah, it’s not just about feeling better. It’s like there are moments with your kids and your family and how you feel during the day that are repercussions of taking care of your health. It is amazing that, uh, in the examples that you give and what I’ve discussed how much of an impact it has and yet typically it’s not thought of. Yeah, we just see it as something that takes away from our, something you have to do. It’s like, it’s like we were told to go to bed when we were kids and we’ve held on to that like bedtime rebellion ever since. But I think it’s really flipping the script and like bedtime is a ritual for me. Like I look forward to that. Are you kidding? I get to like, get cozy. I get my book.
I’m all excited about this. I know I’m gonna feel good tomorrow. I, I have the energy I want like really understanding sleep is for you. It’s not something that’s being done to you, you know. Well, I appreciate it. Thank you. Um a lot of your or at least some of your expertise is geared around um maximizing productivity. I know that this is almost certainly gonna help with that if you, if you don’t feel groggy, but have you got any uh anything else to share in regards to productivity? Yeah. So one of my favorite things I love to teach and especially because a lot of the people that are geared towards self improvement, we tend to be high performers, right? So we tend to be optimizers. And so this, when I initially introduced it, I already know what your brain is going to do. It’s going to be like that makes me get less done. But let me explain. So there’s something that I, I put in my calendar and I invite my clients to experiment with called sliding blocks. And so when I plan my week, I’m a fan of time blocking. It’s worked really well for me. I know what I’m working on, on Mondays at 10 a.m. and Wednesdays at 4 p.m. I like, I know my, my flow and I intentionally schedule empty blocks of time into my day.
Um, an hour, an hour and a half, two hour blocks split up. And the reason I do that is because rarely do I have a day where something doesn’t go as planned or something comes in. That’s unexpected. So, um let’s say a an email comes in and I need to submit a pitch for something and the deadline is that day and that’s gonna take 20 minutes to half an hour out of my day. My kid gets sick, something like that. And I have to take time away or I have an appointment that gets booked in the middle of my day unexpectedly after I planned my week, unexpected things come in. That’s just the nature. So what these sliding blocks do is allow me to take the work that got bumped and slide it into those empty blocks of time. So we’re going back to that concept of when I get to the end of the day. Yes, I have done enough. I also accounted for time that was already going to be used that way except my brain looks at it differently. I am now not behind. You see most people jam, pack their day or work off the two as something comes up and everything gets bumped and now they are quote unquote behind. But I leave space for the things that are going to happen anyways.
And here’s the thing, if I plan those empty blocks and I do get through that day and nothing happens, you can take stuff off the next day and start working ahead. You can take an hour off for a longer lunch, you can get a workout and you can start a project you’ve been thinking about like there are so many things like that block does not have to sit there unused. But what it does is it allows for your nervous system to be calmed down to know that when stuff comes in, that’s unexpected. It’s ok. I’ve got space for unexpected in my calendar and it has helped me stay quite efficient and not get behind on things. Yeah, it’s a great concept and um, it just, I immediately made me think of, uh, expenses in relation to business. Cos you, you got a, a line item for miscellaneous expenses, cos everyone knows there’s gonna be expenses come that you don’t expect but no one does it with time except for you. So, um, it’s great. I love that, love that concept. Yeah. It’s kind of like a, yeah, it’s like I put my, I put a buffer account aside for tax money. Like I know it just goes into that buffer account because I’m gonna need it one day.
Right. It’s, it’s planning for what will happen anyways. Right. Yeah, I think that’s brilliant and um thank you very much for sharing it. Is there anything that I should have asked you about today? Oh. Hm. A good one might be as far as productivity. I think one of the things that has helped me the most. Oh, I’m gonna give you a simple hack that anybody can implement after listening to this that will help their, their productivity during the day. It’s a good one. OK. So if you’re listening to this and you’re a coffee drinker and you wake up and you grab your coffee first thing in the morning, like right on waking up. If you are then noticing that you are experiencing an energy crash, a decrease in focus later in the afternoon, here’s something to experiment with. See if you can push your first cup of coffee during the day back 90 minutes to two hours after waking up. The reason for this is we have this chemical, this sleepy chemical in our brain that is being cleared out all night. And in the morning it takes a little bit extra to clear it out. But when you take caffeine or a cup of coffee, first thing in the morning, it prevents all that from getting cleared out.
So, when the caffeine wears off your sleepy chemicals waiting for you in the afternoon. I have a lot of clients that will be like I get this afternoon energy crash. It’s terrible. I can’t focus. I can’t do anything of value. I lose all that time. Moving back a cup of coffee an hour and a half to two hours after you wake up. I can’t tell you how many clients that are just obsessed with this. I have loved it. Now, I’m not gonna say it’s easy because there is that like, what do I do in the morning that if I’m not having coffee? But, I mean, I’ve been up 3.5 hours now and I’m on my first cup. And so what I did to start this because it was, it was challenging is I just moved it back 30 minutes a week and then you get there, you experience it and if it’s as great as, as, as I, I imagine it will be for you. You keep it and if not, you go back to coffee in the morning. Well, the coffee, um, thing I think is, is helpful for parents who have young Children, which you mentioned that you do. Um, it’s a, it’s a slight segue. But, um, have you got any, uh, parenting advice in relation to also juggling a business at the same time? I think, ah, I think part of it is just routine like, and that because I’ve, I’ve worked with many, many clients before that.
What they struggle with is just a lot of people are struggling with kids up in the middle of the night and it is making it very hard to have the energy they need during the day and then they feel drained and then they go to work all day and then they come home and then the kids, it’s this cycle that keeps repeating, right? But we really invested our energy and our time to call it biohacking our kids very young. Like, I mean, keep in mind, I, I, this is what I do for fun, but I also was very cognizant of like, ok, so we’re looking at this routine, seven o’clock, we had a shower, then I brushed their teeth and we turned off all the bright lights and turned on only red lights. Then we had a sound machine, then we read the story and this order tends to get them to sleep through the night and every time they’d start waking up again for a reason, it might just be a small season. But we’d also start looking at the routine and make little adjustments. And I think we really forget how much routine plays into making them sleep well and when they sleep well, we sleep well. Right. We work well off routines and so do they.
So I re really as a parent leaned hard into routines with naps, routines with food and stuff like that so that they know what’s coming because emotions are a big thing for kids. They don’t know how to manage them. They’re not even like, they’re like, I don’t know what to do with all this frustration. So I’m just gonna scream. But I’m like, if we can give them some predictability, then it makes their big emotions that they feel like, like there’s room for them. You know what I mean? Yes, great advice. And um, I am also juggling, got 33 little ones. So, um, I get it, I get it and um, for people who would like to hire you or connect with you, where do they go? Yeah. So best places will be on my website, Tensas shears.com if you’re just kind of wanting to poke around in, in bio hacks and like, what, what it is all is about. I’ve got, um, a free playbook on there. It’s called 12 Ways to bio hack your energy. And it’s basically like short little ideas that you can take and implement, that’ll help you with your productivity and your energy. And the cool thing is, is if you take one of those hacks, you’ll find that there’s a podcast episode on my show becoming limited that is linked.
So if you want to really take it deeper in the fundamentals and I am a huge fan and I don’t gatekeep information you’re gonna find everything you need to know to be successful at that habit. Now, where I come into play is helping you with. Here’s what to do. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, don’t do that. That’s a waste of your time. Here’s how to implement it and coaching and the accountability. So, uh for that, like I said, there’s information on my website or you can uh reach out in AD M on Instagram. I’m super active on there. It’s just at 10. She, well, I think you’ve been an amazing guest and um a, a very good example of someone who uh has some energy to bring to the conversation. And I, I’m an example of the before. Um but I will be taking your advice and uh starting with a bit more of a pattern for sleep. So I appreciate your contribution. Absolutely. I hope, I hope it’s as great for you as I’ve built it up to be. Well, uh Thank you for being a great guest today.