#281 – Rocket Scientist Mark Fox

Thomas Green here with ethical marketing service on the episode. Today, we have Mark Fox. Mark, welcome. Hey, thank you for having me. It is my pleasure. Would you like to take a moment and tell the audience a bit about yourself and what you do? Well, what I’m, what I’m working on now is I am the uh founder of Arizona Health and the inventor of Vibe. It’s a pocket pimp or PE MF device. So it puts out magnetic field. Um It’s a therapy device. So we’ve got like 55 different protocols on the device and it’s PTSD, anxiety, depression, sleep pain and a lot of other things. And you simply just take the, the device, you pick the one that you want and then you hit play and put it in your pocket and that’s pretty much it and you do it three or four times a week and we’ve seen some uh miraculous results, especially with PTSD and trauma. OK. Well, thank you for the introduction. And um I would also say uh kudos for, let’s say, building something and putting it out into the world that I think there are not enough people do that sort of thing.

And it reminds me a little bit of um I think uh Elon Musk said something along the lines of if, if people don’t build the stuff, then there isn’t any stuff, something along those lines. So, um yeah, congratulations on producing something and putting it out into the world. One comment that Steve Jobs made and kind of stuck with me. He goes, he goes, here’s the secret to this. All he goes look around you and just look at all the stuff that humans have invented. And then you need to realize that that person that made that thing isn’t any smarter than you. They just decided to do it right to bring it into the world. So I, I start off super naively thinking, oh, I’ll just take a little coil. I’m not an electrical engineer, but I’m granting myself an electrical engineering degree after this journey because I thought I just said take a simple coil on a printed circuit board with a Bluetooth chip and a battery and it should be easy. Well, I mean, there’s a pile of stuff catching on fire and four different engineers can’t make it work.

You know, the little bit pretty coils and stuff should be easy. But they weren’t. I mean, I had an 8 ft pile of coils over here before my wife made me throw them away of just testing stuff to try to get it to work. Right. Right. Because I was trying to combine a bunch of things which is put out enough magnetic strength to be therapeutic. It can’t weigh much because this thing only weighs 2.5 ounces. Because, you know, if you wear it with a lanyard around your neck, it’s heavy on your neck and then the battery, you know, I can make the battery last 20 hours, but then it’s gonna be the size of a football. Right. So, let’s say, had a four or five hour battery on it. So it was a balancing, all of those things was hard. Um It’s what it is is it’s actually a, um it’s a MP3 player. And what I figured out to do is to take the frequency protocols and I used a music synthesizer and I can’t play any music, unfortunately, but I use a music synthesizer to create an MP3. So the protocols are actually MP threes playing through a coil instead of a speaker.

So if I was to yank the coil out and just plug a speaker in, you would hear it, you would hear the frequencies. But that, that’s what it is, it’s running MP3 files, it’s, and so that’s the thing that’s novel, I think about the device. I figured out a way to do it that way. Um But it’s, it’s um I mean, I’m a rocket scientist, I didn’t believe any of this stuff 20 years ago. It’s complete voodoo, but I’ve been digging into it and doing my own research and I’ve been certified in a lot of, lot of the training for the stuff. So it’s that there’s enough data out there now and, you know, magnetic therapy has been around since 3000 BC, right? So it’s not that part’s not new, but protocols and pulse Electromatic field research has only been around for about 40 years. So it is kind of new and it’s not complete magic because it’s pulse electromagnetic field you’re engulfed in it right now. The earth puts out three different bands, 7.83 14.1 and 20.3 Hertz. And it’s a pulse electromagnetic field just like um this device puts out, I mean, it’s very similar.

Um So it’s not something totally new. You’re engulfed in it and the, you know, human species and all living in bad nonliving things are engulfed in the EMF so it’s not something voodoo and magic, but it’s um some great results in, like I said, with PTSD, we’ve had a 93% success rate, which is shocking to me. Well, congratulations. Um especially for doing something that is meaningful to people. Um I did when I was uh perhaps looking at your profile and the, the things that I could speak to you about. I noticed you had a fair number of, let’s say job titles. Um I’ve got entrepreneur, rocket scientist, engineer, author, consultant, researcher, uh hot air balloonist and airplane builder. Um And it’s a, it’s a, it’s a good list of titles. Is there any one particular title which you say that’s kind of me the most um probably the entrepreneur, right?

I mean, not entrepreneur but entrepreneur. My wife asked me the other day, how many companies have you started in the last 10 years? I’m like, I don’t know. She goes well, go count them, you know, it’s like 12. Ok. So I, I guess, I guess it’s a rene, this device is the first time that I’d actually have some margin in the device to market it. All. The other things that I’ve built, the, the reality is you get to like, you gotta make a lot of noise for people to know about it. And I didn’t have enough margin to be profitable. So I had to, you know, I nicknamed my wife Lucy Van Pelt from the penis that everything, she cost a nickel. So, so when I get these products and stuff and then yeah, I spend $100 in marketing and it doesn’t work. I end up killing them, right? So this one hopefully will be successful, but it’s Mark Zuckerberg’s taking all my money. It’s expensive to advertise on Facebook and Google. So, but that’s probably the one is I’m answered question Toss. It’s kind of, I’m always curious and I’m always trying to learn new things. It’s part of my anti Alzheimer’s program, right?

Is constantly learn new things and just keep studying stuff and, and so yeah, it’s, that part is probably the most thing is just, I’m always curious. I like that answer and um I would say that um first of all, not many people have creative ideas in the way that you do. And second of the people that do have those ideas, very few people follow through on them So I would say the fact that you’ve attempted to create many different companies and products and everything. I’d say that was a positive thing even if they don’t all come to fruition because, um, you know, it’s, it’s 10 times better to actually attempt to do something than not do anything at all. So, so you would say it’s a positive thing? Yeah, thank you. So, the, the number one reason, the number one reason um an idea fails, the number one reason the idea fails is because it never gets started. Right? So people, they never, they, they talk about it but they don’t do anything. So what I teach, I teach creative thinking uh classes uh around business and stuff mostly, but it can go into a lot of other things.

But the thing I constantly tell people is how can you fail in two weeks? Right. Don’t go on the ad because everyone talks himself out of this idea. It’s gonna cost too much. It’ll take too long, right? So, just how can you fail in two weeks? Knowing you’re going to fail and a lot of the times you don’t, you, but in either case you move forward, right? You progress the idea and you learn something in two weeks. So most people, like you can’t come up with an excuse why I can’t go over a two week, two week experiment, just go try it. And that, that’s the problem is most people don’t try it. Um The other comment, I was the keynote speaker at a um creative thinking conference. There’s about 1000 people in the audience and the whole vibe for the day before I got up, there was everyone kind of being in secret about the idea that they had, right? You know, I don’t want somebody to steal it. My sister is like the worst. You know, she has an idea of lunch or dinner and she’s like, don’t let anyone hear it. I, I just told everyone in the audience, I said, look, let’s say that every person in this audience stood up and had a billion dollar idea.

OK? OK. Let’s say that you just picked one of them and five of you off with five of you in the audience actually did something with it, took that same idea and you actually developed it and got it into production on a retail shelf. Right? There is no way in the world that those five people, the product that’s on the shelf, it would look different for every one of those five people, even though it came from the original idea, right? It’d be so you would never ever be able to recognize that came from that original idea because there’s so many iterations and so many changes in customer feedback and the whole process of developing something that by the time you get to the end of it, it look complete, completely different. So quit worrying about stealing the little idea as the seed because it, it doesn’t happen to you. It does, it’s gonna be a different product anyway. Yeah. 100% agree. And, um, often there are, let’s say, feedback from the actual customer which, which changes it considerably. I’m sure you’re already aware of that.

But, um, the, the interesting thing about all the various different job titles, uh, I wanted to talk to you about is, um, first of all, in terms of how it starts. What’s, what’s your um academic, let’s say, experience, like, what was that like, getting educated in, in, in the various different topics that you’re educated in? Well, you know, I, my, my undergraduates in chemical engineering, I have a, a master’s in business as well. But when I, I grew up with rockets and my dad worked on rockets. I didn’t want to be in the rocket industry at all. Right. You know, I, I graduated with chemical engineering degree in 1983. My best friend was a nuclear physicist and we were hanging drywall here in Cocoa Beach for $3.50 an hour because nobody in 1983 was hiring any engineers, right? They just, the economy was terrible. So, um doing that for about six months and not making any money sweating in Florida, hanging drywall. Somebody said, hey, did you put your resume into this new company at Cape Canaveral called Morton Pi?

I never heard of them. So I did. And uh it was one of those they call me immediately, like, come in for an interview. I’m like, oh, so I’m all ready for these really complex questions and stuff. And it was the funniest case of malicious compliance. I’ve ever seen the guy hands me a brochure and he said we’re Morton Tyco. We make solar rocket motors, special chemicals and salt. Like Morton Salt. He pays $12.14 an hour. You want the job? I’m like, what am I gonna be doing? And he opens a manila folder and looks at my resume. He goes, you’re an engineer, right? Yeah. Chemical engineer. He goes, I don’t know, engineering stuff. Right? And so I go, when do I start? He goes now I go now. Yes. So that was how I got that job. And I said, and what it was was, it was a cost plus contract. So they had 80 slots open for engineers. So this guy was just told hire whoever they are, we’ll fire him later if they saw him. Right. So I figured I’d do that for six months or a year and I ended up staying there for 16 years, I think. Um, so I did that. I uh anyone of you listeners that are old enough to remember a zip drive from IGA.

Um I was in Utah is where was? And I, it’s weird, Thomas is that most people wouldn’t explain it this way. I got promoted pretty fast and then I got offered a really big promotion after 15 years. And I was like, you know, what if I take that job? I, I’m in that career for life because I already saw what everyone else is doing. Like, I wanna do something different. I liked rockets, but he said rocket scientists are not that creative. Once you get into production program, NASA is very restrictive, especially after Challenger, right, of changes that you can make and try to make things better. So I moved to, I went to I aga to get into the computer industry which was way back in 1998. So the internet was just starting. So I got to learn a lot of cool stuff. I was in charge of the websites and customer service. So that was really fun to learn, you know, be at the beginning of the internet and learning all these cool things that you can go do with the internet. But I’ve done all kinds of weird things.

I’ve sold women’s clothing. I own a actually own 5% of a woman’s clothing company still theoretically. Um But it’s weird because rockets or computer drive or women’s clothing, they’re fundamentals for marketing and business operation. They’re the same, I mean, you walk in and it’s the same broken things that are pretty obvious to somebody that’s not inside the bottle because you’re inside the bottle. You can’t read the label from the inside, but it’s pretty obvious when you walk in and you go, oh, the reason you don’t have inventory for these clothes is because you have no inventory system, right? You have, you have ladies coming in, taking the clothes to go to trunk shows and you have no input, output to know how many pairs of pants they took, right? So just basic blocking and tackling stuff like that. I run into all the time. Thomas when we, when I first got to customer service and I am a, this is the old days our phone bill for people calling and I didn’t know what a call center was at the time. I was like, what’s a call center?

You know, people call in and stuff’s broken. They need help. Their phone bill was $33 million a year, $33 million a year. And I go, what are people calling for? And it got all these answers like, ah, you know, arm waving and a bunch of chaos. I’m like, well, where’s the charts? Right? Where’s the data that’s measuring the top call? What’s the number one call? What’s the number two call? Well, they hadn’t collected any data. They’re just a bunch of opinions. So, it’s like, all right. So we start collecting data. The number one call was mine doesn’t work. Why doesn’t it work? So, back in the day, you had a power cord that it plugged in and you had a printer cord, it had two cords to make it work. But the printer cord was inside a box separator. And the average person, right, they have a blow dryer or a toaster and they plug it in. So we just put a red hand on the box says stop. There’s two cords, plug them both in. I think that saved like $8 million. So I just, you know, simple things like that. I keep running to every time I go into another business or consult with them. The power of data. Yes, very cool.

Um One of the topics which uh you that you speak about and um that I was interested in asking you about was the space shuttle challenger. Now, I apologize. I, I am fairly ignorant on this particular topic. Um And now it may be the case that it’s because I was one when uh it was all happening. But uh it is possible that I also don’t have a good grasp on history. So for those who are in the same position as me, would you tell the story on what happened there? 321 and lift on left off of the 25th space shuttle mission and it has cleared the tower. So, yeah, January 28th, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger blew up and um they kill the astronauts. Um The common what ended up being in a quote smoking gun was the O rings on the solo rocket boosters failed. So, um, and I’ve been asked many times to come speak to colleges and the people your age and stuff and explain how management failed and it was a horrible decision and all that.

So the O Rings did fail but everything and there’s documentaries on Netflix now that are completely wrong. Ok. The O Rings did fail but it wasn’t like horrible management. Ok, because it’s a rocket. So on every launch of any rocket, Elon, I’m sure Elon runs this every day, there’s gonna be engineers say don’t launch right? Because it’s dangerous, right? There’s, if you’re trying to, there’s £6 million of energy that you’re trying to manage. So what happened on Challenger is, everyone blamed the O Rings. The O Rings did fail but they fail because the external tank that has liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen in it just 253 below zero and 423 °F below zero. It was leaking and it leaked on a lot of launches. So basically turned the rings in the glass. Ok. So on the shuttle, the turbine blades on the main engines. So on the orbiter, let’s call, the shuttle itself has three main engine engines. The turbine blades are about that big around and they’re sitting there at think about this thermal shock.

Thomas, they’re sitting there at 80 degrees in Florida, whatever sitting still. They suddenly spin up to 35,000 R PM. I believe that’s the right number. And then they get hit with 250 below and 420 below liquid, right. So the thermal shock is so enormous that it actually changes the crystal structure of the blades that you can’t produce. On earth, you can’t manufacture the blade. So to test, to test the actual blade, you have to run it on a test stand with the liquid going through it to change the crystal structure. So they cracked a lot. So that was on the chart. I just mentioned earlier, the number one risk on the space shuttle at the time was turbine blades. I was at the launch pad when Challenger happened, everyone standing around me, including myself, went, ah Turban blade finally failed, right? So that was horrible to watch. Obviously, a national tragedy with the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger approximately a minute and a half after launch from here at the Kennedy Space Center.

So that’s what we thought was an the external tank wasn’t the second biggest problem, the leaks and then the O Rings were a smaller one, right? But what happened is 2.5 years of redesign and our company got beat up constantly in the press about O Rings and horrible management and it’s, you know, it’s not black and white. It came down to um the NASA manager, a lot of them don’t want to ever be in the limelight, right? So solid rocket motors have never delay the launch before because they don’t, you just press a button and they go right. The main engines got to do 100,000 things in the last three seconds and the computer is checking stuff and if something’s not right, it shuts it down. But the launch before calendar, we did postpone the launch. We being the solar rocket, which is because the ocean waves were too big. Now, we add, what happens is the booster falls in the water turns vertical and you have to put a cork in the bottom of it and pump the water out and then it becomes buoyant and lays sideways and then you haul it home with a boat, right?

But because we as it bobs up and down in the ocean, you try and put this cork in, we hurt very badly. A scuba diver, right? So we put in a new criteria. It says the waves are over. I think it was 8 ft. You couldn’t 7 ft you couldn’t launch. So this NASA manager goes, who came up with that criteria? What is that? That’s crazy. It’s like you did, we did, you know, he didn’t even remember. And it was like, well, what if we just let the booster sink? It was like, ok, you’re the customer, you can do that. That’s $20 million or 10 million each. He goes let them sink. So we let them sink. So my theory is some bean counters somewhere, fill out a form that went to NASA headquarters that this guy scrapped $20 million of the hardware. But his pay grade only allowed like 5 million. Right. So now he’s in front of all his bosses explaining why he sunk two boosters, right? When he’s never had to do that before. So that’s in this guy’s head, the next launch, we say, you know, we don’t want to launch because it’s too cold. So he reversed it on us.

So it was always like prove it’s safe to launch and then he reversed it and prove it’s not. Well, you can’t, right? So then the conversation became things like, have you ever flown anything colder? And the answer is yes, five or six times. They never, you don’t need Richard Feynman who was on TV, showing O ring in ice water and how it loses resiliency. Every kid in the world knows a piece of rubber gets cold, it doesn’t move as much, right? But direction of coldness is in the direction of badness for O range. But then questions like is it within specification? Also kind of a trick question because there’s no specification for temperature on the overages. So there was a lot of those things that went on that were not just black and white, that what the news covered, right? Was the engineers in my company that I won’t mention his name, but one in particular was constantly on TV. And I told him no, I told him no. Well, yeah, you told no, you said no on every single launch always. Right. He’s one of those guys. He’s like, no, it’s too dangerous. So you can make the shuttle a rocket like the shuttle much safer if you have one astronaut in a backpack.

Right. I’ll have to put a lot of payload up there. But I’m, if I’m gonna put up five or six astronauts with a school bus size £50,000 satellite, you gotta move some energy to put that in a space. It’s, it’s hard to get in a space, right? So that’s kind of what happened with it. We ended up in and in the background, we were in a, in the forefront the whole over conversation. The redesign is what everyone knew about when the main engines and the external tank. They spent, we spent $500 million fixing it. The O rings the tank guys, Martin Marietta spent a billion and rocket who made the turbine blades spent 2 billion. But you never heard a word in the news about those two companies. So it’s kind of interesting because Ronald Reagan was president at the time and there was some finger pointing going on on a conference call. He said, everybody shut the bleep up. It’s the most technical advancement humans have ever built. Fix it. Then he hung up, right. So it’s like, ok, president said, fix it.

What does that mean for budgets. And, uh, and that became really weird. And so we hired, like, but I was, we hired 2000 engineers and I was young at the time. Um, and I couldn’t hire anyone because middle management was like, this kid didn’t have any rocket science experience. Well, nobody does. They don’t have a rocket science degree. So yet. So my senior boss who said Mark go around them all and just hire people. I’m like, well, they’re gonna fire you. He goes and he can’t fire you just go hire people. So it became really weird in that a lot of funding got thrown to fix it, right? Because of the president. And what became weird is suddenly you have a 22 year old who’s now the world’s expert in this part of a rocket, right? The the ring or the rubber. So, I mean, that’s kind of freaking the old massive managers out there were 45 years old, right? That are guys are presenting something and go, who is this kid? Well, he’s now the world’s expert because he just spent 300 grand testing stuff for six months and he knows more than anything in the world about that thing, right?

So that became really a weird phenomenon. They had a whole influx of young people doing stuff super, super, super fast. Um What one quick story is a good friend of mine. She goes, hey, I bought a house near you I’m like, where at? She goes, when you go to the end of your street, turn left, go three blocks, turn right. And then the third house, right. I go, I live on my dead end. She goes what I do. I live on my dead end. She goes, no, you don’t. Yes, I do. And then it dawned on me. I had not seen my house in the daylight for over a year. Right. Because we were working 12 hours a day. It’s an hour drive back and forth. You’re working six hours, 12 hours a day. On Sunday, you slept, you might have watched some football for a little bit and then you slept, he never saw your. So I drove home early that day and it freaked me out because a whole subdivision had been built around my house. I didn’t even know it, you know. Well, thank you for the answer. Um, it does sound a little bit like there is some, some learnings based on your description of what happened. Um If you had to summarize it for someone who is either in your position or just looking back.

Um What would you say? The lessons are from that story you just told? Yeah. Um, the lessons are, it’s still rockets and there’s, you know, there’s still gonna be risk involved and the astronauts all know that. Um And that’s why Elon Musk, right? Is, is been successful. Very successful is he’s taken a bunch of risks, right? Is how crazy is that? And if you’ve never seen it to your listeners, if you’ve never seen it in real life to watch the boosters come back to the launch pad. It’s George Jetson looking stuff. You, it’s crazy but he kept trying to land him on a barge and kept missing right or tip over and explode. Right. When he started in rockets, I believe I might get the number wrong. But the documentary you can see on Netflix is he goes, we got money for four boosts. Four rockets, we don’t get it in. Four are broke. It’s all the money I got and all four of them failed. Right. So he called a meeting. Everyone assumes they’re getting fired, he walks and he goes, ok, the rockets didn’t cost quite as much as I thought they would.

So I have enough money for one more and then that one worked, right. So he was Elon Musk. Was that far away from nobody knowing his name, right. He not even really knew his name of paypal. And so, but so the thing is, don’t get too conservative. There’s still gonna be failures if you’re not failing. And it’s horrible. Yes, that we lost lives with astronauts. I understand that. But if you’re so conservative that you never fail and you’re never gonna make any progress or everyone’s gonna kick your butt because they’re going past you so fast. Um, as an analogy there. Right. With my device. I’m running Facebook and Google ads. 90% of them don’t work. Right. But I have new campaigns twice a week. I’m dreaming of something new. So I keep testing it and trying it and, and there’s a quote yesterday from a partner of mine on Facebook. He goes, never underestimate the bad taste of customers. And that every time we show a video or do an ad, the one that’s the ugliest or horrible seems to work better.

Um I have a friend who has a business that their best converting ad is a woman explaining the product holding a baby and the baby sneezes all over her face and she’s got like she’s got a wipe, snot off her stuff, right? That’s the one that’s converting the most. So the lesson learned and what? And it is probably the opposite of maybe what you were probably thinking is no, keep taking risks and keep doing things or you’re not gonna progress. And part of what I kind of alluded to was and part of why I got out of the program. So some of the spatial program is it got so conservative that you couldn’t change anything. One thing that’s always bothered me is when somebody says, is it safe and you go about your whole life, everyone does like is it, is it safe to be talking to me right now? Is it safe for you to just take that breath of air? You just did. You know, it’s, so if you look at the definition of safe in the dictionary, it says free from risk and harm or something to that effect, nothing is free from risk and harm.

Right. That dinner you ate last night could have killed you. Correct. It could have been poisoned. It could have been bad. Um, you get in your car tomorrow or today and you drive to the grocery store, you could die. There’s risk involved, right? So I spent a lot of time when somebody says it’s safe because a journalist asked me that right? Is it safe to launch? Ok. You can’t go. Well, there’s 22,000 defects on it, which is the right number and we looked at them all and we have assessed that they’re all within reasonable risk. You can’t say that you gotta go. Yeah, it’s safe. So think about that in your career, your life and your listeners is what does safe mean? I defined it this way because this is what I think people do. If you say something safe, it’s the proceed in the words, key, the perceived benefits outweigh the perceived risks. Now think about that and because the per it’s perception on both ends because it’s not real. So if you think about a negotiation with somebody in business, think about what are their perceived benefits and their perceived risks. And if you think through that before the conversation, you will be much more successful in, you know, taking what are their perceived risks are and minimizing them and maximizing the benefits but nothing’s free from harm.

So, when it’s interesting, when somebody says, is it safe, do you know what you just asked is, so that’s probably one of the things I learned from that, that applied to a whole bunch of things. Is it safe for me to do this? Well, using the definition I just used, I’m consciously or in most cases, people are unconsciously using that formula, right? They’re saying the perceived benefits outweigh the perceived risk. I’m hungry, right? So the benefit is I want one, I want to eat and not be hungry anymore, but I could die, I could die from poisoning or get food poisoning. So the risks are lower, but everyone in the world probably had food poisoning, you know, it’s real. So maybe that’s what the best takeaway is. Don’t go too extreme when there’s failures like that, even though it’s Challenger was horrible and very public, but you get so conservative you can’t make any progress. Yeah, great point. And um I would probably add something a little bit uh in there about probability as well. I think, um I think you’re probably right in the sense that journalists maybe haven’t thought through that question.

I would just say that there are, there are certain things you could do with, for example, food or a car, which was the analogy you used, which make it more probable that something would go wrong. Um, but with rockets, I mean, it’s quite probable that something will go wrong anyway. Right. I mean, what would you give as a successful launch in terms of probability? And here’s, it’s interesting you ask that because here’s what’s weird is the statisticians prior at the beginning of the program estimated talking in statistical terms, you have reliability numbers and con confidence levels in that number. So the reliability was a 0.98 which means 98 out of 100 are going to be successful too or not. Ironically, sadly, of 100 and 35 shuttle launches or whatever it was something like that. We had two failures. OK? So it’s interesting you, you said that Thomas because after challenger, the head of NASA said, I want five nines reliability say one in 10,000 failure with a 95% confidence level.

So all the contractors went, went out and did cost estimates like what do I have to do for every washer, every part, every piece to meet that. And the cost for a launch was more than the GDP of the country for 10 years. It was trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars. That’s what they came back and was like, you can’t do that. And first of all, it’s technically impossible in some areas, I can’t hold 11 millionth of a inch tolerance on this piece. I don’t have the technology to build that. So that was what got put in your face was go make this super reliable. And the answer is technically, it’s impossible too. You couldn’t afford it anyway. So you gotta do something reasonable. But that is kind of weird. And the program was designed about nine, around 98% confidence in two failures and 100 and 30 launches or so. Yeah. Well, I’m gonna throw you a bit of a, a curveball in this particular instance because, uh, my, my follow up is absolutely nothing to do with what we’ve spoken about so far, or at least for the most part. Um, I don’t know if you’re aware, but online, at least, maybe not really recently, but fairly recently, there has been AAA social media movement around the concept of the Flat Earth theory.

Now, I don’t pay it much. I don’t sort of listen to it very frequently, but I can tell you that there are an awful lot of people who think that there’s some sort of truth to it now, for the benefit of someone who is actually informed on such a topic. Um, and who has done work with NASA. What do you say to someone who actually believes that this might be a, a thing, the Flat Earth theory. You know, when I teach creative thinking classes and stuff and business, it the first time that happened when somebody started arguing with me about, well, the Earth is flat. That isn’t true of all. Although I thought it was a kind of a joke. But I learned over 20 years, Thomas that there’s a reasonable percentage of people in every audience that believe that. And I, when I make a comment now I can tell by their face reaction which one it is, right. So, and there’s things last time I checked the Flat Earth Society, which is a real thing. I think there’s 200,000 members that are active members there. So um I you can’t, you can’t, I mean, you have pictures and stuff right?

From space. Here’s the Earth. It shows that and people will just go out. It’s all photoshopped, it’s not real. So you get in these conspiracy theory things and stuff that so I mean, I’ll give, I’ll give you one example because it more common than that than the flat earth is how many people don’t think we went to the moon. OK. So I freak some people out. I go OK. Can you prove you were born? Yeah, I’m here. No, you didn’t prove you were born. I have a birth certificate. So what I say that you disappeared and you weren’t born. Prove it, prove I prove them wrong and you can’t. So one of my examples, the VA B the vertical assembly building, the largest building in the world volume wise. It’s so big. Thomas, it has its own weather report for the inside I just said it could be sunny outside and raining on the inside. It’s that big of a building. There’s clouds and stuff can form on top of it. So they said, you know, I was young, 23 years old or something. They said we need a volunteer to go clean up. There’s so many rooms I have so much junk and stuff in them. Right. Is I, I’m trying to get ahead in my career.

I like, I’ll do it. I’ll be the trash guy. So I went and they surveyed this is back with micro fish. We have computers, right? You’re trying to, what is this thing? What is this piece of equipment? Thomas, there was so much equipment from Apollo and Gemini and all these programs for ground support equipment, right? I went to NASA and I said, you don’t want to put out a contract for somebody to clean this up. You want to reverse it and have somebody bid and pay the government to clean it up because there’s so much copper and aluminum and steel. Somebody could make a ton of money. It took me a year and a half to get that approved because NASA is like, we don’t, we give money, we don’t take money from it, right? So it took a year and a half to get that approved. I think the winning bid was $6 million. Somebody paid NASA $6 million to clean up the VA B Right. They probably made $30 million. Right. And just semis hauling stuff out for two years. So, if we didn’t go to the moon, who had the foresight to build billions and billions of dollars of equipment for me, a 23 year old kid to find and clean up 30 years later.

So you can’t change some people’s mind. There’s a thing that you said you’re only one years old, so you’re definitely not gonna remember this guy. But his name Rich Hall, he was a comedian in the 19 seventies and eighties. He had a TV show. It was called, he had a thing called Sigle that are awesome. So there are words that don’t exist in the dictionary, but they should, right. So he had all these funny words that people would send it to. One of them was Boone Bozone. It’s the invisible gas around people that stops new ideas from getting in bozo and ozone. So I use that all the time with my device is get rid of the zone. Try it. I know you can argue how it doesn’t work. One last comment is I, I used to teach it Los Almos National Labs. These are the smartest nuclear physicists in the world. OK. I’m just a stupid rocket scientist. So they’re not gonna listen to me. So when I walk in, I don’t introduce myself because they’re already cocky, right? All of them, they’re all cocky in the room. I walk in all I have is a big chart that shows the history of physics and how every 12 years on average you’re completely wrong, completely wrong.

Right. So I just look at the audience before you get too arrogant and cocky. There’s a 80% probability that whatever you did your thesis on is gonna be obsolete and wrong in a decade. So keep an open mind because you can be as copy as you want, but you probably won’t. Right. And, and anyone that’s your listeners that are following science and discoveries and stuff, we do that every day we run. It sounds like how did they do that? Right? And it, it, it’s, I get a lot of times doctors will ask me what’s the mechanism of action? That’s the term that they use? Like I can just explain to you what I think it is, but I can’t prove it and you don’t know how aspirin works. Aspirin’s been around for 3000 years. He used to call willow bark. Nobody knows how it works. You have theories about signaling and stuff and then I always the your list, your listeners are smart people. They’ll get this. But a lot of the doctors start fighting me this. I go. So when you put a slice of pizza in the microwave oven, how does it heated? And people go? Oh OK. You asked me that. So must be a trick question. Um The microwave energy kind of hits it and it vibrates and it makes kind of friction.

OK. The theory is that a microwave oven energizes a water molecule at its rotational frequency, which means the water molecule is spinning on its own axis. That’s the theory and that spin on its own axis causes friction which makes heat. Thomas. Nobody in the world ever has taken a photograph or a video of a spinning water molecule. Never had. The technology doesn’t exist to do that, but we all eat pizza in Microwash and it works. So you don’t know exactly how it works. So, with my device, I make that argument. Relief for a reason. If it’s giving you relief and stuff and it’s working, you’ll never be able to explain exactly and improve. You’ll never be able to, you can explain but you’ll never be able to prove exactly how something works. One of my favorite ones is a 70 year old girl told me, Mark, I’ve never had a date in my life because I have tourette’s right. Tourettes. No boy is gonna ask me out because I’m a monster. I’m a freak. She goes, I ran brain balancing. My tourettes went away and I have a date Saturday night.

Ok. That made me cry when she told me that this could be a placebo as well. But one of the studies I’m running, getting ready to start on Monday is glucose diabetes and it low blood sugar. And so I have an insulin resistance protocol. That’s hard to think that your blood sugar went from 2 20 to 100. Now, it still could be a placebo, which is fine because if somebody’s suicidal and it helps them or they have severe anxiety and it goes away. I don’t care if it’s 100% placebo because they’re living their life better. Well, congratulations for the people that you’ve helped, um, with your, with what you produced. Um, do you have any closing thoughts for us today? Yeah, if people wanna learn more about it because this, this is not something to check out standing and I grab like candy or gum, I get that right. It’s so, um I, I for your listeners, I create a page. resona.health/green, your last name, I think. Right. It is green, right? Yes. resona.health/green. They can go into the rabbit hole. They want, they can look at, you know what the device does. They can look at all the background, what I mentioned about pub med.

There’s I written multiple books on it so you can go learn all that and if they want to try one, just go to that page. You’ll see there’s like 100 and $50 off. They’re $399, they can get it for $249 with a coupon code that’s on that page and try it for 30 days. And it doesn’t work for you set back. Well, thank you for that and um thanks for directing people where to go if they want to stay in touch with you and Mark. Thanks for being a great guest today. Appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. Uh have a great weekend.
